Monday, September 28, 2009

What is music ??

Music exists because people create it,perform it and listen to it.people are living organisms and biologi is the study of living thing.

Any teory of music that claims to be complete must be able to pass the luxury Yacht test
-If u succeeded in devoloping a complete theory of music,you should be able to use that theotry to compose strong original music,which u could then sell,and use the procceds to purchase a luxury yacht.
-Be suspicious of anyone claiming to complete understand what music who does not own a luxury yacht.

Dance is also an aspect of music
-In other words,dance is not just something which accompanies music,dance acctually is music.Becuse music is a super-stimulus for aspects of speech perception of sounds;it also include perception of the speakers movement such as facial expressions,body language and hand gestures.Dance and be identify as a super-stimulus for this component of speech perception.

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